A last-minute house swap in Paris
Read MoreStation to Station
An interesting project - to retrace Katherine Mansfield’s steps around Paris and Fontainbleau.
Read MoreLèche-vitrines*
“I suddenly found myself on the front line as missiles sailed over my head towards a phalanx of CRS riot police. With their kevlar exoskeletons they looked like killer robots from the future.”
Read MoreA Fix of France
I was lucky enough to do a house-swap with an artist friend in Paris for a couple of weeks, giving me a much needed fix of France - got to see friends, some great art and just enjoy being in the greatest city in the world. I also got down to Arles to see the Rencontres photography Festival, always worth the trip.
Rue De Buci
Dominique cuts loose in the Café des 2 Moulins, Montmartre (the Amelie bar)
Culture Night 2022
Two of my five photographs that will be exhibited on September 23rd as part of the Íova Group Culture Night exhibition in Studio Ex, 72 Francis Street, D.8. This year the theme is Countercultures, with a focus on subcultures and the experiences of minorities. #CultureNight2022
Asleep 4, Paris
Asleep 3, Paris
Always a Good Idea
Two weeks in Paris.
These are my portraits of LOUISAHHH!!!, the queen of French industrial techno. She's just announced her first album, The Practice of Freedom, which is available to pre-order here:
Cecilia Danell
Painter Cecilia Danell, photographed at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris.
Congratulations to Cecilia Danell, who has been awarded the ESB Keating Award and Silver Medal for an Outstanding Art Work at this year’s RHA Annual exhibition. She’s also shortlisted for the RCSI Art Award, which will be announced in December. This image is an out-take from a portrait I was commissioned to make by the Centre Culturel Irlandais in Paris, which will be part of a semi-permanent exhibition of 18 portraits of artists-in-residence there from later this month. I’m really looking forward to seeing them up on the walls.
CECILIA DANELL - IN THE BIRCH PLANTATION. Oil and acrylics on canvas, 95 x 130 cm
You can see more of my portraits of artists in this gallery .
Marina De Van
Marina de Van is a very interesting French film director, screenwriter, novelist and actor. She was a great subject to shoot, making it a challenge to pick just one image - I did eventually, and it’s in the “Artists” gallery.
Her new site has just been launched, and offers acting coaching and hypnosis in Paris.

I set a Bait for the Unknown
Cecilia Danell photographed in the Centre Culturel Irlandais, January 2020.
This my portrait of painter Cecilia Danell, taken earlier this year when she was an artist-in-residence at the Centre Culturel Irlandais, Paris. Her show “I set a Bait for the Unknown” has just opened in the Kevin Kavanagh Gallery, Dublin, and is very much worth a look.
You can see more of my portraits of artists here.
The Fading Light
The sun goes down over Beaubourg.
Dominique and the carpet
Dominique Wildermann
Objets Trouvés
Sunday in Montmartre
Part of the really interesting / disturbing Roger Ballen expo in Halle Saint-Pierre
Dominique and the Lobster
L'esprit de l'escalier
L'esprit de l'escalier is a French expression that no French person seems to have heard of, which describes what it’s like to think of a perfect response long after the opportunity to deliver it has passed.
I was leaving La Guarida in Havana when I noticed him coming down the staircase, and when I asked for a photograph he knew just the right pose.
There are some more of my Havana photographs here.
Taken on my first visit to the MEP, in the company of my favourite exhibitions coordinator.
The staircase in my last apartment. Monter ces escaliers aide à garder le cul soigné, as they say.
Borrowed from French esprit de l’escalier (literally “mind of the staircase”), with the definite article le (“the”) at the beginning of the term elided to l’. It refers to a description of the phenomenon in the essay Paradoxe sur le comédien (Paradox of the Actor, completed 1778 and published 1830)[1] by the French encyclopedist and philosopher Denis Diderot (1713–1784). During a dinner at the home of the statesman Jacques Necker (1732–1804), Diderot was left speechless by a remark made to him. He wrote: « l’homme sensible, comme moi, tout entier à ce qu’on lui objecte, perd la tête et ne se retrouve qu’au bas de l’escalier » (“a sensitive man, such as myself, overwhelmed by the argument levelled against him, becomes confused and can only think clearly again at the bottom of the stairs”), that is, when one is already on the way out of the house.
Un portrait de M. Cyril Kamir à l'occasion de son soixantième anniversaire.
Paris Street Art, Part Two
The Bone Orchard
A walk among the tombstones of Montparnasse. I couldn’t find Man Ray.
Balader à Belleville on Bastille day